Spherical harmonic sampler (sh_sampler)

alms2healpy(alms, lmax)

Takes a real array split as [real, imag] (without the m=0 modes imag-part) and turns it into a complex array of alms (positive modes only) ordered as in HEALpy.


Name Type Description Default
alms array_like

Array of zeros except for the specified mode. The array represents all positive (+m) modes including zero and has double length, as real and imaginary values are split. The first half is the real values.



Name Type Description
healpy_modes array_like

Array of zeros except for the specified mode. The array represents all positive (+m) modes including zeroth modes.

Source code in hydra/sh_sampler.py
def alms2healpy(alms, lmax):
    Takes a real array split as [real, imag] (without the m=0 modes
    imag-part) and turns it into a complex array of alms (positive
    modes only) ordered as in HEALpy.

        alms (array_like):
            Array of zeros except for the specified mode.
            The array represents all positive (+m) modes including zero
            and has double length, as real and imaginary values are split.
            The first half is the real values.

        healpy_modes (array_like):
            Array of zeros except for the specified mode.
            The array represents all positive (+m) modes including zeroth modes.
    if len(alms.shape) == 1:
        # Combine real and imaginary parts into alm format expected by healpy
        real_imag_split_index = int((np.size(alms) + (lmax + 1)) / 2)
        real = alms[:real_imag_split_index]

        add_imag_m0_modes = np.zeros(lmax + 1) # add m=0 imag. modes back in
        imag = np.concatenate((add_imag_m0_modes, alms[real_imag_split_index:]))
        healpy_modes = real + 1.0j * imag
        return healpy_modes

    elif len(alms.shape) == 2:
        # Handle 2D array case (loop over entries) with a recursion
        return np.array([alms2healpy(modes, lmax) for modes in alms])

        raise ValueError("alms array must either have shape (Nmodes,) or (Nmaps, Nmodes)")

apply_lhs_no_rot(a_cr, inv_noise_var, inv_prior_var, vis_response)

Apply LHS operator of linear system to an input vector.

Source code in hydra/sh_sampler.py
def apply_lhs_no_rot(a_cr, inv_noise_var, inv_prior_var, vis_response):
    Apply LHS operator of linear system to an input vector.
    real_noise_term = (
        vis_response.real.T @ (inv_noise_var[:, np.newaxis] * vis_response.real) @ a_cr
    imag_noise_term = (
        vis_response.imag.T @ (inv_noise_var[:, np.newaxis] * vis_response.imag) @ a_cr
    signal_term = inv_prior_var * a_cr

    left_hand_side = real_noise_term + imag_noise_term + signal_term
    return left_hand_side

apply_lhs_no_rot_mpi(comm, a_cr, inv_noise_var, inv_prior_var, vis_response)

Apply LHS operator of linear system to an input vector that has been split into chunks between MPI workers.

Source code in hydra/sh_sampler.py
def apply_lhs_no_rot_mpi(comm, a_cr, inv_noise_var, inv_prior_var, vis_response):
    Apply LHS operator of linear system to an input vector that has been
    split into chunks between MPI workers.
    if comm is not None:
        myid = comm.Get_rank()
        myid = 0

    # Synchronise a_cr across all workers
    if myid != 0:
        a_cr *= 0.
    if comm is not None:
        comm.Bcast(a_cr, root=0)

    # Calculate noise terms for this rank
    my_tot_noise_term = (
        @ (inv_noise_var.flatten()[:, np.newaxis] * vis_response.real)
        @ a_cr
        + vis_response.imag.T
        @ (inv_noise_var.flatten()[:, np.newaxis] * vis_response.imag)
        @ a_cr

    # Do Reduce (sum) operation to get total operator on root node
    tot_noise_term = np.zeros(
        (1,), dtype=my_tot_noise_term.dtype
    )  # dummy data for non-root workers
    if myid == 0:
        tot_noise_term = np.zeros_like(my_tot_noise_term)

    if comm is not None:
        comm.Reduce(my_tot_noise_term, tot_noise_term, op=MPI_SUM, root=0)
        tot_noise_term = my_tot_noise_term

    # Return result (only root worker has correct result)
    if myid == 0:
        signal_term = inv_prior_var * a_cr
        return tot_noise_term + signal_term
        return np.zeros_like(a_cr)

construct_rhs_no_rot(data, inv_noise_var, inv_prior_var, omega_0, omega_1, a_0, vis_response)

Construct RHS of linear system.

Source code in hydra/sh_sampler.py
def construct_rhs_no_rot(
    data, inv_noise_var, inv_prior_var, omega_0, omega_1, a_0, vis_response
    Construct RHS of linear system.
    real_data_term = vis_response.real.T @ (
        inv_noise_var * data.real + np.sqrt(inv_noise_var) * omega_1.real
    imag_data_term = vis_response.imag.T @ (
        inv_noise_var * data.imag + np.sqrt(inv_noise_var) * omega_1.imag
    prior_term = inv_prior_var * a_0 + np.sqrt(inv_prior_var) * omega_0

    right_hand_side = real_data_term + imag_data_term + prior_term

    return right_hand_side

construct_rhs_no_rot_mpi(comm, data, inv_noise_var, inv_prior_var, omega_a, omega_n, a_0, vis_response)

Construct RHS of linear system from data split across multiple MPI workers.

Source code in hydra/sh_sampler.py
def construct_rhs_no_rot_mpi(
    comm, data, inv_noise_var, inv_prior_var, omega_a, omega_n, a_0, vis_response
    Construct RHS of linear system from data split across multiple MPI workers.
    if comm is not None:
        myid = comm.Get_rank()
        myid = 0

    # Synchronise omega_a across all workers
    if myid != 0:
        omega_a *= 0.
    if comm is not None:
        comm.Bcast(omega_a, root=0)

    # Calculate data terms
    my_data_term = vis_response.real.T @ (
        (inv_noise_var * data.real).flatten()
        + np.sqrt(inv_noise_var).flatten() * omega_n.real.flatten()
    ) + vis_response.imag.T @ (
        (inv_noise_var * data.imag).flatten()
        + np.sqrt(inv_noise_var).flatten() * omega_n.imag.flatten()

    # Do Reduce (sum) operation to get total operator on root node
    data_term = np.zeros(
        (1,), dtype=my_data_term.dtype
    )  # dummy data for non-root workers
    if myid == 0:
        data_term = np.zeros_like(my_data_term)

    if comm is not None:
        comm.Reduce(my_data_term, data_term, op=MPI_SUM, root=0)
        data_term = my_data_term

    # Return result (only root worker has correct result)
    if myid == 0:
        return data_term + inv_prior_var * a_0 + np.sqrt(inv_prior_var) * omega_a
        return np.zeros_like(a_0)

get_alms_from_gsm(freq, lmax, nside=64, resolution='low', output_model=False, output_map=False)

Generate a real array split as [real, imag] (without the m=0 modes imag-part) from gsm 2016 (https://github.com/telegraphic/pygdsm)

freqs (float or array_like): Frequency (in MHz) for which to return GSM model lmax (int): Maximum ell value for alms nside (int): The nside to upgrade/downgrade the map to. Default is nside=64. resolution (str): if "low/lo/l": nside = 64 (default) if "hi/high/h": nside = 1024 output_model (bool): If output_model=True: Outputs model generated from the GSM data. If output_model=False (default): no model output. output_map (bool): If output_map=True: Outputs map generated from the GSM data. If output_map=False (default): no map output.


Name Type Description
alms array_like

Array of zeros except for the specified mode. The array represents all positive (+m) modes including zero and has double length, as real and imaginary values are split. The first half is the real values.

gsm_2016 PyGDSM 2016 model

If output_model=True: Outputs model generated from the GSM data. If output_model=False (default): no model output.

gsm_map healpy map

If output_map=True: Outputs map generated from the GSM data. If output_map=False (default): no map output.

Source code in hydra/sh_sampler.py
def get_alms_from_gsm(
    freq, lmax, nside=64, resolution="low", output_model=False, output_map=False
    Generate a real array split as [real, imag] (without the m=0 modes
    imag-part) from gsm 2016 (https://github.com/telegraphic/pygdsm)

    freqs (float or array_like):
        Frequency (in MHz) for which to return GSM model
    lmax (int):
        Maximum ell value for alms
    nside (int):
        The nside to upgrade/downgrade the map to. Default is nside=64.
    resolution (str):
        if "low/lo/l":  nside = 64  (default)
        if "hi/high/h": nside = 1024
    output_model (bool):
        If output_model=True: Outputs model generated from the GSM data.
        If output_model=False (default): no model output.
    output_map (bool):
        If output_map=True: Outputs map generated from the GSM data.
        If output_map=False (default): no map output.

        alms (array_like):
            Array of zeros except for the specified mode.
            The array represents all positive (+m) modes including zero
            and has double length, as real and imaginary values are split.
            The first half is the real values.
        gsm_2016 (PyGDSM 2016 model):
            If output_model=True: Outputs model generated from the GSM data.
            If output_model=False (default): no model output.
        gsm_map (healpy map):
            If output_map=True: Outputs map generated from the GSM data.
            If output_map=False (default): no map output.
    return healpy2alms(
        get_healpy_from_gsm(freq, lmax, nside, resolution, output_model, output_map)


With (m,l) ordering!

Source code in hydra/sh_sampler.py
def get_em_ell_idx(lmax):
    With (m,l) ordering!
    ells_list = np.arange(0, lmax + 1)
    em_real = np.arange(0, lmax + 1)
    em_imag = np.arange(1, lmax + 1)
    # ylabel = []

    # First append all real (l,m) values
    Nreal = 0
    i = 0
    idx = []
    ems = []
    ells = []
    for em in em_real:
        for ell in ells_list:
            if ell >= em:
                Nreal += 1
                i += 1

    # Then all imaginary -- note: no m=0 modes!
    Nimag = 0
    for em in em_imag:
        for ell in ells_list:
            if ell >= em:
                Nimag += 1
                i += 1
    return ems, ells, idx

get_healpy_from_gsm(freq, lmax, nside=64, resolution='low', output_model=False, output_map=False)

Generate an array of alms (HEALpy ordered) from gsm 2016 (https://github.com/telegraphic/pygdsm)


Name Type Description Default
freqs array_like

Frequency (in MHz) for which to return GSM model.

lmax int

Maximum ell value for alms

nside int

The nside to upgrade/downgrade the map to. Default is nside=64.

resolution str

if "low/lo/l": The GSM nside = 64 (default) if "hi/high/h": The GSM nside = 1024

output_model bool

If output_model=True: Outputs model generated from the GSM data. If output_model=False (default): no model output.

output_map bool

If output_map=True: Outputs map generated from the GSM data. If output_map=False (default): no map output.



Name Type Description
healpy_modes array_like

Complex array of alms with same size and ordering as in healpy (m,l)

gsm_2016 PyGDSM 2016 model

If output_model=True: Outputs model generated from the GSM data. If output_model=False (default): no model output.

gsm_map healpy map

If output_map=True: Outputs map generated from the GSM data. If output_map=False (default): no map output.

Source code in hydra/sh_sampler.py
def get_healpy_from_gsm(
    freq, lmax, nside=64, resolution="low", output_model=False, output_map=False
    Generate an array of alms (HEALpy ordered) from gsm 2016

        freqs (array_like):
            Frequency (in MHz) for which to return GSM model.
        lmax (int):
            Maximum ell value for alms
        nside (int):
            The nside to upgrade/downgrade the map to. Default is nside=64.
        resolution (str):
            if "low/lo/l":  The GSM nside = 64  (default)
            if "hi/high/h": The GSM nside = 1024
        output_model (bool):
            If output_model=True: Outputs model generated from the GSM data.
            If output_model=False (default): no model output.
        output_map (bool):
            If output_map=True: Outputs map generated from the GSM data.
            If output_map=False (default): no map output.

        healpy_modes (array_like):
            Complex array of alms with same size and ordering as in healpy (m,l)
        gsm_2016 (PyGDSM 2016 model):
            If output_model=True: Outputs model generated from the GSM data.
            If output_model=False (default): no model output.
        gsm_map (healpy map):
            If output_map=True: Outputs map generated from the GSM data.
            If output_map=False (default): no map output.

    # Instantiate GSM model and extract alms
        gsm_2016 = pygdsm.GlobalSkyModel2016(freq_unit="MHz", resolution=resolution)
        gsm_2016 = pygdsm.GlobalSkyModel16(freq_unit="MHz", resolution=resolution)

    gsm_map = gsm_2016.generate(freqs=freq)
    gsm_upgrade = hp.ud_grade(gsm_map, nside)
    healpy_modes_gal = np.array([hp.map2alm(maps=_map, lmax=lmax) for _map in gsm_upgrade])

    # By default it is in gal-coordinates, convert to equatorial
    rot_gal2eq = hp.Rotator(coord="GC")
    healpy_modes_eq = np.array([rot_gal2eq.rotate_alm(_modes) for _modes in healpy_modes_gal])

    if output_model == False and output_map == False:  # default
        return healpy_modes_eq
    elif output_model == False and output_map == True:
        return healpy_modes_eq, gsm_map
    elif output_model == True and output_map == False:
        return healpy_modes_eq, gsm_2016
        return healpy_modes_eq, gsm_2016, gsm_map


Takes a complex array of alms (positive modes only) and turns into a real array split as [real, imag] making sure to remove the m=0 modes from the imag-part.


Name Type Description Default
healpy_modes (array_like, complex)

Array of zeros except for the specified mode. The array represents all positive (+m) modes including zeroth modes.



Name Type Description
alms array_like

Array of zeros except for the specified mode. The array represents all positive (+m) modes including zero and is split into a real (first) and imag (second) part. The Imag part is smaller as the m=0 modes shouldn't contain and imaginary part.

Source code in hydra/sh_sampler.py
def healpy2alms(healpy_modes):
    Takes a complex array of alms (positive modes only) and turns into
    a real array split as [real, imag] making sure to remove the
    m=0 modes from the imag-part.

        healpy_modes (array_like, complex):
            Array of zeros except for the specified mode.
            The array represents all positive (+m) modes including zeroth modes.

        alms (array_like):
            Array of zeros except for the specified mode.
            The array represents all positive (+m) modes including zero
            and is split into a real (first) and imag (second) part. The
            Imag part is smaller as the m=0 modes shouldn't contain and
            imaginary part.
    if len(healpy_modes.shape) == 1:
        # Split healpy mode array into read and imaginary parts, with m=0 
        # imaginary modes excluded (since they are always zero for a real field)
        lmax = hp.sphtfunc.Alm.getlmax(healpy_modes.size)  # to remove the m=0 imag modes
        alms = np.concatenate((healpy_modes.real, healpy_modes.imag[(lmax + 1) :]))
        return alms

    elif len(healpy_modes.shape) == 2:
        # Loop through elements of the 2D input array (recursive) 
        return np.array([healpy2alms(_map) for _map in healpy_modes])

        raise ValueError("Input array must have shape (Nmodes,) or (Nmaps, Nmodes).")

sample_cl(alms, ell, m)

Sample C_ell from an inverse gamma distribution, given a set of SH coefficients. See Eq. 7 of Eriksen et al. (arXiv:0709.1058).

Source code in hydra/sh_sampler.py
def sample_cl(alms, ell, m):
    Sample C_ell from an inverse gamma distribution, given a set of
    SH coefficients. See Eq. 7 of Eriksen et al. (arXiv:0709.1058).
    # Get m, ell ordering
    m_vals, ell_vals, lm_idxs = get_em_ell_idx(lmax)

    # Calculate sigma_ell = 1/(2 l + 1) sum_m |a_lm|^2
    for ell in np.unique(ell_vals):
        idxs = np.where(ell_vals == ell)

vis_proj_operator_no_rot(freqs, lsts, beams, ant_pos, lmax, nside, latitude=-0.5361913261514378, include_autos=False, autos_only=False, ref_freq=100.0, spectral_idx=0.0)

Precompute the real and imaginary blocks of the visibility response operator. This should only be done once and then "apply_vis_response()" is used to get the actual visibilities.


Name Type Description Default
freqs array_like

Frequencies, in MHz.

lsts array_like

LSTs (times) for the simulation. In radians.

beams list of pyuvbeam

List of pyuveam objects, one for each antenna

ant_pos dict

Dictionary of antenna positions, [x, y, z], in m. The keys should be the numerical antenna IDs.

lmax int

Maximum ell value. Determines the number of modes used.

nside int

Healpix nside to use for the calculation (longer baselines should use higher nside).

latitude float

Latitude in decimal format of the simulated array/visibilities.

include_autos bool

If True, the auto baselines are included.

ref_freq float

Reference frequency for the spectral dependence, in MHz.

spectral_idx float

Spectral index, beta, for the spectral dependence, ~(freqs / ref_freq)^beta.



Name Type Description
vis_response_2D array_like

Visibility operator (δV_ij) for each (l,m) mode, frequency, baseline and lst. Shape (Nvis, Nalms) where Nvis is Nbl x Ntimes x Nfreqs.

ell array of int

Array of ell-values for the visiblity simulation

m array of int

Array of ell-values for the visiblity simulation

Source code in hydra/sh_sampler.py
def vis_proj_operator_no_rot(
    Precompute the real and imaginary blocks of the visibility response
    operator. This should only be done once and then "apply_vis_response()"
    is used to get the actual visibilities.

        freqs (array_like):
            Frequencies, in MHz.
        lsts (array_like):
            LSTs (times) for the simulation. In radians.
        beams (list of pyuvbeam):
            List of pyuveam objects, one for each antenna
        ant_pos (dict):
            Dictionary of antenna positions, [x, y, z], in m. The keys should
            be the numerical antenna IDs.
        lmax (int):
            Maximum ell value. Determines the number of modes used.
        nside (int):
            Healpix nside to use for the calculation (longer baselines should
            use higher nside).
        latitude (float):
            Latitude in decimal format of the simulated array/visibilities.
        include_autos (bool):
            If `True`, the auto baselines are included.
        ref_freq (float):
            Reference frequency for the spectral dependence, in MHz.
        spectral_idx (float):
            Spectral index, `beta`, for the spectral dependence,
            `~(freqs / ref_freq)^beta`.

        vis_response_2D (array_like):
            Visibility operator (δV_ij) for each (l,m) mode, frequency,
            baseline and lst. Shape (Nvis, Nalms) where Nvis is Nbl x Ntimes x Nfreqs.
        ell (array of int):
            Array of ell-values for the visiblity simulation
        m  (array of int):
            Array of ell-values for the visiblity simulation
    ell, m, vis_alm = simulate_vis_per_alm(
        freqs=freqs * 1e6,  # MHz -> Hz

    # Removing visibility responses corresponding to the m=0 imaginary parts
    vis_alm = np.concatenate(
        (vis_alm[:, :, :, :, : len(ell)], vis_alm[:, :, :, :, len(ell) + (lmax + 1) :]),

    ants = list(ant_pos.keys())
    antpairs = []
    if autos_only == False and include_autos == False:
        auto_ants = []
    for i in ants:
        for j in ants:
            # Toggle via keyword argument if you want to keep the auto baselines/only have autos
            if include_autos == True:
                if j >= i:
                    antpairs.append((ants[i], ants[j]))
            elif autos_only == True:
                if j == i:
                    antpairs.append((ants[i], ants[j]))
                if j == i:
                    auto_ants.append((ants[i], ants[j]))
                if j > i:
                    antpairs.append((ants[i], ants[j]))

    vis_response = np.zeros(
        (len(antpairs), len(freqs), len(lsts), 2 * len(ell) - (lmax + 1)),

    ## Collapse the two antenna dimensions into one baseline dimension
    # Nfreqs, Ntimes, Nant1, Nant2, Nalms --> Nbl, Nfreqs, Ntimes, Nalms
    for i, bl in enumerate(antpairs):
        idx1 = ants.index(bl[0])
        idx2 = ants.index(bl[1])
        vis_response[i, :] = vis_alm[:, :, idx1, idx2, :]

    # Multiply by spectral dependence model (a powerlaw)
    # Shape: Nbl, Nfreqs, Ntimes, Nalms
    vis_response *= ((freqs / ref_freq) ** spectral_idx)[
        np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis

    # Reshape to 2D
    # TODO: Make this into a "pack" and "unpack" function
    # Nbl, Nfreqs, Ntimes, Nalms --> Nvis, Nalms
    Nvis = len(antpairs) * len(freqs) * len(lsts)
    vis_response_2D = vis_response.reshape(Nvis, 2 * len(ell) - (lmax + 1))

    if autos_only == False and include_autos == False:
        autos = np.zeros(
            (len(auto_ants), len(freqs), len(lsts), 2 * len(ell) - (lmax + 1)),
        ## Collapse the two antenna dimensions into one baseline dimension
        # Nfreqs, Ntimes, Nant1, Nant2, Nalms --> Nbl, Nfreqs, Ntimes, Nalms
        for i, bl in enumerate(auto_ants):
            idx1 = ants.index(bl[0])
            idx2 = ants.index(bl[1])
            autos[i, :] = vis_alm[:, :, idx1, idx2, :]

        ## Reshape to 2D
        ## TODO: Make this into a "pack" and "unpack" function
        # Nbl, Nfreqs, Ntimes, Nalms --> Nvis, Nalms
        Nautos = len(auto_ants) * len(freqs) * len(lsts)
        autos_2D = autos.reshape(Nautos, 2 * len(ell) - (lmax + 1))

        return vis_response_2D, autos_2D, ell, m
        return vis_response_2D, ell, m