Region sampler (region_sampler)

calc_proj_operator(region_pixel_ra, region_pixel_dec, region_fluxes, region_idxs, ant_pos, antpairs, freqs, times, beams, latitude=-0.5361913261514378)

Calculate a visibility vector for each point source, as a function of frequency, time, and baseline. This is the projection operator from point source amplitude to visibilities. Gains are not included.


Name Type Description Default
region_pixel_ra, region_pixel_dec (list of array_like

RA and Dec of each pixel (axcross all regions), in radians.

region_fluxes array_like

Flux for each pixel (across all regions), as a function of frequency.

region_idxs list of array_like

List of pixel indices for each region.

ant_pos dict

Dictionary of antenna positions, [x, y, z], in m. The keys should be the numerical antenna IDs.

antpairs list of tuple

List of tuples containing pairs of antenna IDs, one for each baseline.

freqs array_like

Frequencies, in MHz.

times array_like

LSTs, in radians.

beams list of UVBeam

List of UVBeam objects, one for each antenna.

latitude float

Latitude of the observing site, in radians.



Name Type Description
proj_operator array_like

The projection operator from region amplitudes to visibilities. This is an array of the visibility values for each region.

Source code in hydra/
def calc_proj_operator(
    Calculate a visibility vector for each point source, as a function of
    frequency, time, and baseline. This is the projection operator from point
    source amplitude to visibilities. Gains are not included.

        region_pixel_ra, region_pixel_dec (list of array_like):
            RA and Dec of each pixel (axcross all regions), in radians.
        region_fluxes (array_like):
            Flux for each pixel (across all regions), as a function of frequency.
        region_idxs (list of array_like):
            List of pixel indices for each region.
        ant_pos (dict):
            Dictionary of antenna positions, [x, y, z], in m. The keys should
            be the numerical antenna IDs.
        antpairs (list of tuple):
            List of tuples containing pairs of antenna IDs, one for each
        freqs (array_like):
            Frequencies, in MHz.
        times (array_like):
            LSTs, in radians.
        beams (list of UVBeam):
            List of UVBeam objects, one for each antenna.
        latitude (float):
            Latitude of the observing site, in radians.

        proj_operator (array_like):
            The projection operator from region amplitudes to visibilities. This
            is an array of the visibility values for each region.
    Nregions = len(region_idxs)
    Nants = len(ant_pos)
    Nvis = len(antpairs)
    ants = list(ant_pos.keys())

    # Empty array of per-point source visibilities
    vis_region = np.zeros((Nvis, freqs.size, times.size, Nregions), dtype=np.complex128)

    # Get visibility for each region
    for j in range(Nregions):
        # Returns shape (NFREQS, NTIMES, NANTS, NANTS)
        vis = simulate_vis(
            fluxes=region_fluxes[region_idxs[j], :],
            freqs=freqs * 1e6,

        # Allocate computed visibilities to only available baselines (saves memory)
        for i, bl in enumerate(antpairs):
            idx1 = ants.index(bl[0])
            idx2 = ants.index(bl[1])
            vis_region[i, :, :, j] = vis[:, :, idx1, idx2]

    return vis_region

get_diffuse_sky_model_pixels(freqs, nside=32, sky_model='gsm2016')

Returns arrays of the pixel RA, Dec locations and per-pixel frequency spectra from a given sky model. By default this is GSM, as implemented in pygdsm.


Name Type Description Default
freqs array_like

Frequencies, in MHz.

nside int

Healpix nside to use when constructing the sky model.

sky_model str

Which sky modle to use, from pyGDSM. One of: 'gsm2008', 'gsm2016', 'haslam', 'lfss'.



Name Type Description

ra, dec (array_like): ICRS RA and Dec locations of each pixel. RA range is (0, 360) deg, Dec range is (-90, +90) deg, but they are returned in radians.

sky_maps array_like

The frequency spectrum in each pixel. Shape is (Npix, Nfreq).

Source code in hydra/
def get_diffuse_sky_model_pixels(freqs, nside=32, sky_model="gsm2016"):
    Returns arrays of the pixel RA, Dec locations and per-pixel frequency
    spectra from a given sky model. By default this is GSM, as implemented
    in `pygdsm`.

        freqs (array_like):
            Frequencies, in MHz.

        nside (int):
            Healpix nside to use when constructing the sky model.

        sky_model (str):
            Which sky modle to use, from pyGDSM. One of:
            'gsm2008', 'gsm2016', 'haslam', 'lfss'.

        ra, dec (array_like):
            ICRS RA and Dec locations of each pixel. RA range is (0, 360) deg, 
            Dec range is (-90, +90) deg, but they are returned in radians.

        sky_maps (array_like):
            The frequency spectrum in each pixel. Shape is `(Npix, Nfreq)`.
    # Get expected frequency units
    freqs_MHz = freqs

    # Initialise sky model and extract data cube
    assert sky_model in [
    ], "Available sky models: 'gsm2008', 'gsm2016', 'haslam', 'lfsm'"
    if sky_model == "gsm2008":
        model = pygdsm.GlobalSkyModel(freq_unit="MHz", include_cmb=False)
    if sky_model == "gsm2016":
            model = pygdsm.GlobalSkyModel2016(freq_unit="MHz", include_cmb=False)
            # Different versions of pygdsm changed the API
            model = pygdsm.GlobalSkyModel16(freq_unit="MHz", include_cmb=False)
    if sky_model == "haslam":
        model = pygdsm.HaslamSkyModel(freq_unit="MHz", include_cmb=False)
    if sky_model == "lfsm":
        model = pygdsm.LowFrequencySkyModel(freq_unit="MHz", include_cmb=False)

    sky_maps = model.generated_map_data  # (Nfreqs, Npix), should be in Kelvin

    # Must change nside to make compute practical
    nside_gsm = hp.npix2nside(sky_maps[0].size)
    sky_maps = hp.ud_grade(sky_maps, nside_out=nside)

    # Convert from Kelvin to Jy/sr
    equiv = u.brightness_temperature(freqs_MHz * u.MHz, beam_area=1 *
    Ksr_per_Jy = ((1 * u.Jy).to(u.K, equivalencies=equiv) * / u.Jy).value
    for i in range(Ksr_per_Jy.size):
        sky_maps[i] /= Ksr_per_Jy[i]  # converts K to Jy/sr

    # Get pixel RA/Dec coords (assumes Galactic coords for sky map data)
    idxs = np.arange(sky_maps[0].size)
    pix_lon, pix_lat = hp.pix2ang(nside, idxs, lonlat=True)
    gal_coords = Galactic(l=pix_lon * u.deg, b=pix_lat * u.deg)

    icrs_frame = ICRS()
    eq_coords = gal_coords.transform_to(icrs_frame)
    ra = eq_coords.ra.rad
    dec = eq_coords.dec.rad

    # Returns list of pixels with spectra as effective point sources
    return ra, dec, sky_maps.T

segmented_diffuse_sky_model_pixels(ra, dec, sky_maps, freqs, nregions, smoothing_fwhm=None)

Returns a list of pixel indices for each region in a diffuse sky map. This function currently uses a crude spectral index measurement to segment the map into regions with roughly equal numbers of pixels. Smoothing can be used to reduce sharp edges. The regions can be disconnected.


Name Type Description Default
ra, dec (array_like

ICRS RA and Dec locations of each pixel.

sky_maps array_like

The frequency spectrum in each pixel.

freqs array_like

Frequencies, in MHz.

nregions int

The number of regions of roughly equal numbers of pixels to segment the sky map into.

smoothing_fwhm float

Smoothing FWHM (in degrees) to apply to the segmented map in order to reduce sharp edges. The smoothing is applied to a map of region indices. It is then re-segmented, which can result in a slight reduction in the number of segments due to round-off of region indices.



Name Type Description
idxs list of array_like

List of arrays, with each array containing the array indices of the pixels that belong to each region.

Source code in hydra/
def segmented_diffuse_sky_model_pixels(
    ra, dec, sky_maps, freqs, nregions, smoothing_fwhm=None
    Returns a list of pixel indices for each region in a diffuse sky map.
    This function currently uses a crude spectral index measurement to
    segment the map into regions with roughly equal numbers of pixels.
    Smoothing can be used to reduce sharp edges. The regions can be

        ra, dec (array_like):
            ICRS RA and Dec locations of each pixel.

        sky_maps (array_like):
            The frequency spectrum in each pixel.

        freqs (array_like):
            Frequencies, in MHz.

        nregions (int):
            The number of regions of roughly equal numbers of pixels to
            segment the sky map into.

        smoothing_fwhm (float):
            Smoothing FWHM (in degrees) to apply to the segmented map in
            order to reduce sharp edges. The smoothing is applied to a map
            of region indices. It is then re-segmented, which can result
            in a slight reduction in the number of segments due to
            round-off of region indices.

        idxs (list of array_like):
            List of arrays, with each array containing the array indices
            of the pixels that belong to each region.
    # Crude spectral index map
    beta = np.log(sky_maps[:, 0] / sky_maps[:, 1]) / np.log(freqs[0] / freqs[1])

    # Sort spectral index map and break up into ~equal-sized segments
    beta_sorted = np.sort(beta)
    bounds = beta_sorted[:: beta_sorted.size // nregions]

    # Loop over regions and select pixels belonging to each region
    regions = np.zeros(beta.size, dtype=int)
    for i in range(bounds.size - 1):
        # These have >= and <= to ensure that all pixels belong somewhere
        idxs = np.where(np.logical_and(beta >= bounds[i], beta <= bounds[i + 1]))
        regions[idxs] = i

    # Apply smoothing and then re-segment
    if smoothing_fwhm is not None:
        regions_smoothed = hp.smoothing(regions, fwhm=np.deg2rad(smoothing_fwhm))
        regions_final = regions_smoothed.astype(int)
        regions_final = regions

    # Create list of indices
    unique_idxs = np.sort(np.unique(regions_final))
    idx_list = [np.where(regions_final == i)[0] for i in unique_idxs]
    return idx_list