Example simulations (example)

generate_random_ptsrc_catalogue(Nptsrc, ra_bounds, dec_bounds, logflux_bounds=(-1.0, 2.0))

Generate a catalogue of point sources with random positions and log(flux) values.


Name Type Description Default
Nptsrc int

Number of point sources in catalogue.

ra_bounds tuple of float

Tuple with the lower and upper bounds of the RA range, in radians. Sources will be placed according to a uniform random distribution within the specified interval.

dec_bounds tuple of float

Same as above, but for the declination range.

logflux_bounds tuple of float

The lower and upper bounds of log10(flux) at some reference frequency. The reference frequency is not specified here, so these values can be treated purely as amplitude/scaling factors. Sources will be randomly assigned fluxes/amplitudes in this interval in log10(flux).

(-1.0, 2.0)


Name Type Description
ra array_like

RA values for the sources, in radians.

dec array_like

Dec values for the sources, in radians.

ptsrc_amps array_like

Amplitude or flux values at an unspecified reference frequency.

Source code in hydra/example.py
def generate_random_ptsrc_catalogue(
    Nptsrc, ra_bounds, dec_bounds, logflux_bounds=(-1.0, 2.0)
    Generate a catalogue of point sources with random positions and log(flux)

        Nptsrc (int):
            Number of point sources in catalogue.
        ra_bounds (tuple of float):
            Tuple with the lower and upper bounds of the RA range, in radians. 
            Sources will be placed according to a uniform random distribution
            within the specified interval.
        dec_bounds (tuple of float):
            Same as above, but for the declination range.
        logflux_bounds (tuple of float):
            The lower and upper bounds of log10(flux) at some reference
            frequency. The reference frequency is not specified here, so these
            values can be treated purely as amplitude/scaling factors. Sources
            will be randomly assigned fluxes/amplitudes in this interval in

        ra (array_like):
            RA values for the sources, in radians.
        dec (array_like):
            Dec values for the sources, in radians.
        ptsrc_amps (array_like):
            Amplitude or flux values at an unspecified reference frequency.
    # Get coordinate bounds
    ra_low, ra_high = (min(ra_bounds), max(ra_bounds))
    dec_low, dec_high = (min(dec_bounds), max(dec_bounds))
    logflux_low, logflux_high = (min(logflux_bounds), max(logflux_bounds))

    # Generate random point source locations
    # RA goes from [0, 2 pi] and Dec from [-pi / 2, +pi / 2].
    ra = np.random.uniform(low=ra_low, high=ra_high, size=Nptsrc)

    # Inversion sample to get them uniform on the sphere, in case wide bounds are used
    U = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=Nptsrc)
    dsin = np.sin(dec_high) - np.sin(dec_low)
    dec = np.arcsin(
        U * dsin + np.sin(dec_low)
    )  # np.arcsin returns on [-pi / 2, +pi / 2]

    # Generate fluxes
    ptsrc_amps = 10.0 ** np.random.uniform(
        low=logflux_low, high=logflux_high, size=Nptsrc
    return ra, dec, ptsrc_amps

run_example_simulation(times, freqs, output_dir, ra, dec, ptsrc_amps, array_latitude, beam_type='gaussian', hex_array=(3, 4))

Run an example visibility simulation for testing purposes, using semi-realistic beams, randomly placed point sources, and a hexagonal array layout.


Name Type Description Default
times array_like

Time array, i.e. local sidereal time (LST), in radians.

freqs array_like

Frequency array, in MHz.

output_dir str


ra array_like

RA values for the sources, in radians.

dec array_like

Dec values for the sources, in radians.

ptsrc_amps array_like

Amplitude or flux values at an unspecified reference frequency.

array_latitude float

Array latitude in radians.

hex_array tuple

Tuple of length 2 specifying the number of antennas in the first and central rows of a regular symmetric hexagonal array.

(3, 4)
beam_type str

The type of beam model to use for the simulations. Can be 'polybeam' or 'gaussian'.



Name Type Description
model0 array_like

Model visibility computed by the simulator. The shape is given by extract_vis_from_sim().

fluxes array_like

Point source fluxes, per source and per frequency.

beams list

List of UVBeam or AnalyticBeam-compatible beam objects.

ant_info tuple

Tuple of arrays and dictionaries containing antenna information, in the order: (ants, ant_pos, antpairs, ants1, ants2).

Source code in hydra/example.py
def run_example_simulation(
    times, freqs, output_dir, ra, dec, ptsrc_amps, array_latitude, 
    beam_type='gaussian', hex_array=(3,4),
    Run an example visibility simulation for testing purposes, using
    semi-realistic beams, randomly placed point sources, and a hexagonal
    array layout.

        times (array_like):
            Time array, i.e. local sidereal time (LST), in radians.
        freqs (array_like):
            Frequency array, in MHz.
        output_dir (str):
        ra (array_like):
            RA values for the sources, in radians.
        dec (array_like):
            Dec values for the sources, in radians.
        ptsrc_amps (array_like):
            Amplitude or flux values at an unspecified reference frequency.
        array_latitude (float):
            Array latitude in radians.
        hex_array (tuple):
            Tuple of length 2 specifying the number of antennas in the first 
            and central rows of a regular symmetric hexagonal array.
        beam_type (str):
            The type of beam model to use for the simulations. Can be 
            'polybeam' or 'gaussian'.

        model0 (array_like):
            Model visibility computed by the simulator. The shape is given
            by `extract_vis_from_sim()`.
        fluxes (array_like):
            Point source fluxes, per source and per frequency.
        beams (list):
            List of `UVBeam` or `AnalyticBeam`-compatible beam objects.
        ant_info (tuple):
            Tuple of arrays and dictionaries containing antenna information,
            in the order: `(ants, ant_pos, antpairs, ants1, ants2)`.
    # Dimensions of simulation
    hex_array = tuple(hex_array)
    assert len(hex_array) == 2, "hex-array argument must have length 2."

    # Set up array and data properties
    ant_pos = build_hex_array(hex_spec=hex_array, d=14.6)
    ants = np.array(list(ant_pos.keys()))
    Nants = len(ants)

    # Set up baselines
    antpairs = []
    for i in range(len(ants)):
        for j in range(i, len(ants)):
            if i != j:
                # Exclude autos
                antpairs.append((i, j))

    ants1, ants2 = list(zip(*antpairs))

    beta_ptsrc = -2.7
    fluxes = get_flux_from_ptsrc_amp(ptsrc_amps, freqs, beta_ptsrc)
    ##np.save(os.path.join(output_dir, "ptsrc_amps0"), ptsrc_amps)
    ##np.save(os.path.join(output_dir, "ptsrc_coords0"), np.column_stack((ra, dec)).T)

    # Beams
    if "polybeam" in beam_type.lower():
        # PolyBeam fitted to HERA Fagnoni beam
        beam_coeffs = [
        beams = [
            PolyBeam(beam_coeffs, spectral_index=-0.6975, ref_freq=1.0e8)
            for ant in ants
        beams = [
            pyuvsim.analyticbeam.AnalyticBeam("gaussian", diameter=14.0) for ant in ants

    # Run a simulation
    t0 = time.time()
    _sim_vis = simulate_vis(
        freqs=freqs * 1e6,  # MHz -> Hz
    # timing_info(ftime, 0, "(0) Simulation", time.time() - t0)
    # print("(0) Simulation", time.time() - t0)

    # Allocate computed visibilities to only the requested baselines (saves memory)
    model0 = extract_vis_from_sim(ants, antpairs, _sim_vis)
    del _sim_vis  # save some memory

    # Return
    ant_info = (ants, ant_pos, antpairs, ants1, ants2)
    return model0, fluxes, beams, ant_info